Golf Lessons in Pickering
Teachers at Tracer Golf Pickering
Tracer Golf Pickering has a number of qualified teaching professionals that can help golfers of all levels.
You can select from one of our verified Tracer Teachers who have been vetted by us or select from one of the many other teachers that have successfully used our facilities to conduct their private and group lessons. They have great knowledge of our systems and its ability to help improve your golf game.
By selecting one of our verified teachers you get the benefit of the quickest and easiest booking process. You can also feel secure knowing your funds are safe with a clear cancellation process.
Still can’t find a teacher you like? Bring your own! We have an open teacher policy!
Take lessons, practice more, improve faster!
Tracer Teachers at Pickering
I don't believe in beating golf balls to get better.
Kumar Cherla
CGTF Teaching Professional
Coach Kumar teaches Feel Golf: the ability to hit down-the-line shots – even if you haven’t played for months. With over 30 years of competing, playing and teaching experience, the concept of ‘You have to hit lots of golf balls and play a lot to get better’ does not exist in his lexicon.
Keep it simple stupid
Steve Smith
PGA of Canada Class A since 2005
I don’t have one philosophy. I’m trying to get people to play better golf and that’s a different approach from player to player. Complexity is the enemy of execution. My goal is keep it simple and pass on two decades of teaching knowledge so you can become your own coach on course.
Other Teachers
Choose from one of many of the other qualified teachers that teach out of our facilitiues and know our systems inside and out.
D. Franz McFayden
Teaches in: English
D. Franz McFayden is the founder and head teaching professional of Golf and Performance. A former attorney, Coach Franz brings a wealth of experience to this role, with 30+ years of experience in multiple sporting disciplines highlighted by competitive international-level experience in several sports. This has taught him the importance of balance, which he implements in his teaching. He personally specializes in peak performance mental coaching for high-performance athletes, short game/wedge play scoring, on-course high-performance strategies, and detailed video and biomechanical analysis profiles for high-level recreational and competitive players.
Llb (Hons), CGC trained PGA of Canada, International PGA, Titleist Performance Institute L1//J2//G2 Certified, Golf Engineer (GE L1), Scott Cowx Certified 7.0 Advanced Patterns and Coaching, Sportsbox 3D Golf Level 1 Certified, Boditrak Certifed Golf Ground Mechanics, Operation 36 Certified Coach, U.S. Kids Golf Certified Coach, NCCP Coach, Golf Canada Future Links Coach, Professional Diploma Sports and Exercise Nutrition (EQF 1), Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), Certified GC Quad Technologist, World Handicap System Certified
Dave Horne
Dave Horne is a CPGA Professional and owner of Golf4uCanada.
Dave became a certified Master Golf Teaching professional through the Canadian Golf Teachers Federation, US Golf Teachers Federation, and the World Golf Teachers Federation.
In 2020 and 2023 Dave was proudly named one of the top 50Golf Professionals in Canada by the Canadian Golf Teachers Federation (CGTF).
To enhance his ability to take students to the next level, Dave became a Certified TPI coach.
As Certified TPI coach in golf, junior golf, fitness and power golf, Dave can properly screen, assess, and analyze golfer’s abilities as well as physical limitations to understand their strengths and weaknesses plus help them understand how ground forces and biomechanics work in their swing.
To better understand the mental game of golf, Dave becamea Certified Golf Psychologist.
Dave wanted to help golfers unlock and overcome any psychological obstacles that may be holding them back.
Dave is also a club fitter; this allows him to check golfer’s equipment to see if they are a good fit or in need of regripping or repairs to a complete overhaul to match the golfer’s skill level.
“Looking forward to working with you and helping you improve your golf game, Dave Horne.”
CPGA Golf ProfessionalMaster Golf Teaching Professional
Top 50 Canadian Golf Instructor 2020,2023TPI Certified G2, P2, J2, F2CGTF, USGTF, WGTF
Douglas Warner
PGA of Canada
Teaches in: English
Learning and Thinking Golf
Personal Coaching for Excellence
Teaching is focused on the acquisition of new knowledge and skills and is a one way communication from teacher to student and is most suitable for the novice. Coaching is focused on refining and developing knowledge and skills and adapting those skills to PLAYING a game called golf. Choose both. No tips, no quick fixes, just breaking down complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and then starting on the first one. A process-oriented incremental path to a solution. Only taking on a limited number of students who are willing to do what it takes to reach their goals and expect that of their coach. Please contact for consultation.
Forty + year member of PGA of Canada. Involved in all aspects of the Golf Industry. Worked through the ranks of Tournament Professional, Associate Professional, Head Professional, and Teacher-Coach. Humber College of Applied Arts: Business Degree. New Mexico State University: Bachelor of Commerce. Won thirty tournaments. Canadian Tour Member with numerous high finishes. Cadillac Pro-Classic Champion. PGA of Ontario Champion. PGA of Canada Senior Champion. Qualified and played in three Canadian Opens and AT&T Senior Open. Represented Ontario in Ontario-Quebec Matches numerous times.
Chris Lee
PGA of canada professional member in good standing. Have played golf and teached for combined 30+ years. Looking to educate students who want to improve on all aspects within their respective skill level. Hard working and focused, strong passion and love for the game of golf.
Steve Smith
PGA of Canada Teaching Specialist for over 20 years. I provide simple solutions to complex matters of the golf swing. I would love to get to know your game better by having a conversation over a 10-15 minute phone call.