How It Works

Step 1: Make a Booking

All bookings must be made online. 

Download our app or go to in any browser.

Create an account, select a location and make your first booking.

Step 2: Arrive and Enter

Your Smart Door Key is available in the app and will activate 15 minutes prior to your start time.

You will need internet access for your key to work.  Don’t worry, free WiFi will be available at the door.  Check your email for details.

Remember to bring your clubs. We do not provide club rentals at any of our locations.

animated gif of the Smart Door Key in action

Step 3: Start Your Session

Go to your selected bay, warm up and start improving your game!  Lights and projector will turn on automatically at your START time.  Balls and tees will be available in the bay.

Step 4: Tell Your Friends!

Share your booking with your foursome and spread the word and help us roll out more locations.  We may even open up in your neighbourhood!


Regular or Premium?

The best feature of our Premium bays is the Swing Vision Camera System. With instant video replay and analysis tools, it really is a game changer.


Curious to know more? Visit our Tutorials page for more comprehensive videos to help you enjoy your experience at Tracer Golf.